What To Do if You’ve Been Scammed by a Forex Broker

Forex Signals by FxPremiere.com
18 min readOct 14, 2024



What To Do if You’ve Been Scammed by a Forex Broker If you believe you have been scammed by a forex broker, it’s important to take action

1. Stay Calm and Gather Evidence

  • Document Everything: Collect all evidence of the scam, including emails, chat logs, screenshots, transaction records, and any other communications with the broker.
  • Note Important Details: Record important details such as the broker’s name, registration number, website, and the nature of the scam (e.g., inability to withdraw funds, unauthorized trades).
  • Understanding Forex Scammers

2. Contact the Broker

  • Reach Out: Try to contact the broker’s customer support or management team. Use official communication channels listed on their website.
  • Be Professional: State your case clearly and professionally. Request clarification on your issue and express your desire to resolve it.
  • Follow Up: Keep records of all communications and follow up if you do not receive a timely response.
  • Forex Scams to Avoid in 2024

3. Check for Regulatory Oversight

  • Verify Regulation: Confirm if the broker is regulated by a reputable financial authority (e.g., FCA, ASIC, NFA). If they are not regulated or have misrepresented their regulatory status, this is a strong indicator of a scam.
  • Report to Authorities: If the broker is regulated, file a complaint with the relevant financial regulatory body. Provide them with all the evidence you have gathered.

4. File a Complaint with Consumer Protection Agencies

  • National Consumer Protection Agency: Depending on your country, you can file a complaint with the relevant consumer protection agency (e.g., FTC in the U.S., Action Fraud in the UK).
  • Online Fraud Reporting Services: Consider reporting the scam to online fraud reporting services, such as the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) or local law enforcement.

Recovering from Forex Broker Scams: A Comprehensive Guide

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1. Introduction

Forex broker scams and Forex investment scams are quite common occurrences in today’s financial markets. Many traders and investors have fallen victim to these scams and are unsure of what to do next. That’s where this comprehensive guide comes in. With the proper knowledge and education, traders going through these situations can successfully recover stolen assets or funds. The main focus of this guide is to provide a comprehensible and detailed roadmap for a victim of a Forex broker scam or fraud. Subsequently, traders and members of the finance industry can pick up on subtle signals and red flags that brokers give off, ultimately preventing them from becoming a victim of the scam. As a victim of fraud and Forex broker scams, users might be experiencing feelings of uncertainty, confusion, and despair, among many other things. But in the eyes of the team, the future is not dark in any capacity, and the victims in these situations should know there is always somewhere to turn for help and assistance. Therefore, knowing that recovery is possible is one of the steps the victims should undertake in their journey of redemption. This guide has been adapted to cover, in detail, the steps to take in recovery after discovering that one has fallen into a broker scam. In this guide, the best steps a Forex trader or an investor can take to recover stolen funds are discussed comprehensively. It is important to note that we have seen our traders go through similar situations and have made full recoveries after, as a community, we took assertive and conscious steps towards filing a strong case.

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1.1. Understanding Forex Broker Scams

Forex broker scams are becoming more prevalent in the financial industry. The number of complaints by investors of foreign-exchange-related fraud has more than doubled in the last five years. But what hijinks are these so-called “foreign-exchange scams,” or “forex scams,” “currency scams,” and even “bitcoin scams,” that are causing so much concern? The answer will become clear in the focus of this analysis.

In the simplest terms, forex scams are outright frauds aimed at retail investors who wish to trade currencies. Forex scams can take many forms. Some frauds mimic legitimate companies and offer to trade forex. Others are outright Ponzi schemes. They may use offering materials and other forms to mislead or even defraud an investor in connection with a retail forex transaction. Among the most prominent of forex scams are fake forex brokers and currency managers. They vary in tactics, but typically work to create an allure of success; some may promise a generous return, while others pretend to be a legitimate business by inviting participation in what appears to be an otherwise legitimate financial service. The key to success in recognizing and recovering from a forex-related fraud is in the way the fraud is presented. Any investor can fall prey to greed and fear, and as the foreign currency market is unregulated, there is often no oversight to catch the crooks. The forex market is large, now estimated to be trading in excess of four trillion dollars daily. While any fraud can be big in terms of the people who are hurt financially, the scope of harm done by forex scams is magnified by the market size.

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In constructing forex scams, fraudsters prey on the weaker emotions, such as greed, fear, and the desire to belong to a winning group which the crooks can sell. As in the stock market, a universal belief of the wolf is at the door can gain economic power when practiced in large numbers. You hear it from the foreign currency hustlers pitching at the corner club, from the motivational speaker hawking his get-rich software or DVD, and even the celebrity CEO of a major company could not believe that he was being robbed. Why? Because he so desperately wanted what his forex advisor had promised. The most successful crooks use the emotions to bypass the brain. It takes the thought out of the decision. But just because the decoys have the client does not mean the heroes should not make an attempt to rescue the victims of forex scams. If anything, the broker fraud ranges of these scams call for increased vigilance. However, this requires the assistance of the investors and the public. Therefore, there is a continued need for coaching and encouragement of an open line of communication.

2. Prevention Measures

2.1. Researching and Due Diligence

3. Identifying a Scam

3.1. Red Flags to Watch Out For

4. Immediate Steps After Being Scammed

Part 4: Immediate Steps After Being Scammed The first thing you need to do is write to your broker, saying that you think he has scammed you, and ask him to explain the situation. Once you have done this, it’s very likely that they will be in touch with you to ask you some questions too. It’s important that you don’t ignore them — you should reply to any messages or phone calls and let the broker know that you’re also seeking advice on the situation. What you need to do now is save all your communications with the broker as evidence of their reply. This is also a good time to write a note about the events leading up to this scam. Include as much detail as you can, such as phone calls and emails you’ve had with the broker and what they said to you. You should also explain why you think the broker has scammed you. You should seek help from an investment scam expert as soon as possible. Look for verified brokers, financial advisors, and even experienced and reputable lawyers that can help you with your recovery. These experts will reassure you about the situation and give you tailored advice. When you find out that you’ve been scammed, you’ll likely be in a state of shock. You might feel vulnerable and emotional, which can make it hard to let go and think about the future. But in order to recover the money you’ve lost, you will need to prioritize clarity and problem-solving. Stick to these steps and try to stay in control of your emotions — there will be time to process what has happened when the situation is resolved.

4.1. Contacting the Broker

In a lot of cases, a victim of a forex broker scam contacts their broker emotionally charged and often unclear about the outcome or solution they are expecting. A clear line of correspondence with the forex broker is of utmost importance. It is not advisable to contact them through live chat or via telephone. Make sure to stay professional throughout the entire correspondence.

If you want to be assertive and demand the things that you are entitled to, always make sure you have the correct approach and necessary evidence. Before placing a complaint to the broker, ensure you have all the evidence prepared. That includes email correspondence, trading account statements, contract agreements, documents, and, most importantly, an affidavit. Always make sure to prepare an affidavit as it will solidify your complaints. An affidavit is a declaration that is signed under oath, in front of a public notary or a certified commissioner of oaths, certifying that something is true and factual. As a victim, this will show your commitment to solving the situation and your assertiveness. An affidavit is a notarized document. This legalizes it. A notary makes any document a valid document. Preparing one will make your broker take you seriously.

If you suspect a lack of interest on your broker’s part to help you solve the situation or that their reason for scamming you might be that they are going through insolvency, you can also contact your bank and ask them what a payment investigation is. Ask your broker the direct questions in your written correspondence. If those are not answered directly, escalate your issues with the broker. Bear in mind your legal rights as a client towards the broker.

5. Legal Recourse

Money lost in trading through a fraudulent Forex broker does not have to be gone for good. Victims of Forex broker scams have legal recourse available to them that can help in getting the money back or otherwise receiving some type of redress, even if it doesn’t make them whole. Fraud victims often make some key mistakes that doom their recovery hopes. The most important thing that a trader can do is to find a qualified attorney who can assert their rights and has a track record of success in Forex broker and other commodity fraud cases. In the U.S., victims of Forex broker fraud can also have the option to pursue their case in small claims court if the losses suffered are below the maximum that can be awarded in the jurisdiction in which the claim is brought.

Forex trading is a complex business, but not everyone understands the intricacies of this world. Filers of complaints may take some comfort in knowing that the complaints they file could lead to investigations that would not only expose the wrongdoing of the broker but could also make the broker more likely to start repaying money owed. There is also a possibility of private arbitration outside of the regulatory arbitration proceedings. If one waits too long, part or all of a regulatory claim for some individuals may be rejected; some claims will be too old to file with a regulatory authority once a certain number of years passes since a loss is incurred. Once money is lost in dealing with a scam broker, legal recourse may be obtained through these and other possible routes. It is typically not difficult to find an attorney to arrange for the filing of a lawsuit; the hard part is finding an attorney who has had success in dealing with Forex brokers previously. Traders should keep any evidence or notes on their dealings with a fraudulent broker who does not respond to legitimate claims for a requested withdrawal so that they can present it to law enforcement and to their lawyer.

5.1. Regulatory Authorities and Complaint Filing

Regulatory Authorities and Complaint Filing

Remarkably, regulatory authorities play a crucial role in recovering lost funds. Spread across the world, they significantly contribute to maintaining market integrity. If a Forex broker scam complaint is properly presented, large portions of the principal funds may be recovered. In fact, these complaints aid global authorities not only from the complaint-filing side but may also lead to locking out hundreds of potential new Forex broker scams from the market.

The relevant authorities receive the largest number of Forex broker scam complaints. Generally, the PIFs handle the largest number of Forex broker scam complaints, which is well within their competence. This subsection consists of some general advice to follow when filing a Forex broker scam complaint before discussing them separately.


The user is advised to always first compile potential identifying information about the alleged perpetrator’s Forex trading broker before proceeding to contact any competent authority. If the broker’s details are either not listed or are false, the administrator may not entertain the complaint. The user must include every piece of information that may be used to identify, locate, and/or prosecute the offenders. Therefore, it would be wise to take screenshots at any stage, especially of withdrawal requests and trading availability/activities. Our data suggests that most importantly, the broker inflicted the damages. The mere fact that the victim made some profit and the fact that he/she has suffered once does not legitimize ‘personal’ negative feelings of a trader towards a particular broker or broker type.

6. Recovering Funds

6.1. Options for Retrieving Lost Money

7. Seeking Professional Assistance

After you fall victim to forex broker scams, one thing you might want to consider doing is enlisting the help of a professional. There are different professionals that can assist you. Attorneys can help navigate the legal road, while financial recovery services are known to provide loss recovery plans tailored to each policyholder. They can also provide you with a timeline for recovery and more information about how everything works. By looking at some of the fraud sites associated with certain financial services, you can also educate yourself about scams and what the whole process is like. The professionals available in the US and the UK will likely have the best idea of how these things work and how to help you the most, as those countries have the most professionals associated with them. While many brokers will attempt to chase after your money in exchange for assistance or a plan, you will need to carefully vet any professional that you reach out to.

There are different types of fees involved with hiring a professional. An attorney or financial recovery service may ask for a retainer fee, which can range in the thousands of dollars, simply to address your case and begin work. After the fact, once they have started work, they will likely bill on an hourly basis, meaning you will have to pay per hour spent on services like talking with you, talking with the brokerage, administrative work, traveling, and more. There are also percentage fees involved. A financial recovery service can take, say, 20% to 50% of what they recover for you once the case is closed. Management fees are also a possibility. These are annual or monthly fees and are more often associated with financial advisors or portfolio management. It is less likely that an attorney or financial recovery specialist will use such fees because there won’t be any assets to manage. Finally, lawyers can place a lien on your house so that you can pay your bill once your house has been sold. You can also be sued for the amount you owe if you don’t pay and there is no lien.

7.1. Hiring a Lawyer or Recovery Firm

Hiring a lawyer, solicitor, or recovery firm can be a great move if you have lost a substantial amount of money. These professionals may be able to trace your funds and reclaim what is rightfully yours. Here are some tips to help you identify a really good professional who is ethical and has a good track record: — Ask around for recommendations or if you know anyone who has been scammed. They may know someone who was able to help them in recovering their funds. — Be sure to have an initial consultation with the professional to ensure you feel they are suitable and that you have confidence in them. — Always ask for references and call them to ensure they are legitimate. If they refuse to give you any, or if the references don’t seem right, they probably aren’t what they seem to be. — Can they provide you with successful recovery statistics? — Can they provide you with all the costs and fees upfront? — Have a look at their website and social media channels. Do they provide some insightful information, or are they trying to charm you with empty promises and appealing to your frustration? — If you need to agree to a non-disclosure agreement or sign a contract, make sure you fully understand the terms and fees and that you are sure you are happy with them. What if I choose not to take legal action? You may still be a victim if your Forex broker is a scam. The only way that you can confirm if you are a victim is if you file a lawsuit. If you do choose to go forward with legal representation and you’re successful in recovering funds, legal fees and costs can be deducted from the funds that are recovered. With the help of a professional, your chances of recovering any losses will increase. If you choose to do nothing, you may never recover any money. Be sure to weigh your options and carefully select an attorney or firm to represent you.

8. Case Studies and Real-Life Examples

Let’s start our section with case studies and real-life examples of Forex scams. After discussing character traits and psychological measures to equip ourselves with, we’ll follow up with practical advice and tips covering topics directly related to recovery. We believe that learning from those who have lived through different situations is always very helpful as it provides a much deeper understanding of various elements. As the topic is quite practical, our team has compiled real-life cases, analyzing the consequences of different types of scams and summarizing the experiences of scam victims who tried to get their money back. Personal emotions also play a significant role because they help us feel for the victims.

This selected collection of individual stories represents two key twists that can take place during the recovery process. The first part of the selection is dedicated to those traders who managed to walk away from the scam with a relatively limited amount of losses. Several people managed to reclaim their entire deposit. This selection contains stories from victims deeply emotionally affected by the experience as well as by the exit attempts. Concerns are still lingering in the air, as victims feel they might get hit again one day, if not already. The second part of the selection focuses mainly on cautionary tales that offer a skeptical and inquisitive outlook on potential recovery targets in the event of a scam. Feelings can still be quite intense, but the key message seems to be more about sharing the harsh lessons learned the hard way as a way of giving back, by pointing out elements that might be familiar to others caught in scams or at risk of becoming a victim themselves. Experience sharing is, therefore, very important to avoid superfluous losses and grieve the ones suffered.

8.1. Learning from Past Scams

It was born out of failures. Over the years, some participants in the community of trading have lost money. Some of those stories tell of how they have been victimized. Soon, the encounters with senders of scams and scammers started piling up. Those falling into the trap of scams tend to show their mistakes: they had been quick to trust someone offering them a vast improvement in life, accept offers of easy money, or — at best — let their greed blur sound judgment. When faced with such allegations, those affected by scammers would first deny all notions of having fallen into the traps of thievery, only to — if pressed too hard — withdraw and stay quiet rather than unravel their wrong judgment. Thus, they would rather have communicated their trouble with a sense of guilt because they did have a resolute will.

Finally, every person that would come around would concentrate on the best way to get out of the mess once in it. And none ever looked around in their group for sources of education that would have made them better attorneys — things to look out for in a partner, to avoid the tracks that would bring them to the attorneys. This had to change. Conversations between his guests were inevitable. Otherwise, no new tales of the ways of these rascals could be spread, told, and compared. He had analyzed cases of unrecoverable hardship with his group and published that data. However, the truth remains that direct experience and judgment, that this is how reality is, lies with every member of the scam-experience group. When scam experience is raw and contains unreflected anger, those voices are heard as expressing visions and pains that are real and broadly shared. Educating oneself and like-minded individuals to prevent us from being hurt is a good way not to let bad experiences intimidate us.

9. Conclusion

The journey toward saving your life savings and potential future interest is not always straightforward. In conclusion, we must reiterate the most crucial points: — Get to know the company before you invest any money. — Never put all of your eggs in one basket; diversify your investments. — Never assume that you can leave a cheating broker alone. — Report a catastrophic event as soon as you become aware of it, regardless of the effect. — On your quest, build, comfort, and elevate your confidence. In conclusion, recovery from a fraud attempt can be a difficult, technically heavy process that necessitates tough choices and a resolute focus on action rather than sensation. The guideline seeks to assist you in making these decisions confidently, if possible, before your emotions prevent you from doing so. We also encourage you to continue to learn and grow, as those are two of the most effective ways to prevent you from having to deal with this kind of problem in the future. We have hope for you, I promise, because we’ve been where you are and seen the ups and downs that can accompany this quest. Remember that you have the strength to get better and that nothing is impossible.

9.1. Moving Forward and Rebuilding Trust

To move beyond the very often paralyzing shock, the feeling of disillusion, anger, or dread, one has to rebuild the very confidence in himself, his capabilities, skills, and discernment. Such a recovery has success only when these particular goals are met: your trading attitudes, beliefs, routines, and practices must pass through all the extra scrutiny and very tight, time-consuming controls to make sure they suit you and could really be the best-fit alternative to your former self; build, test, and practice new habits for an adequate time, slowly convincing yourself about their substantial if not flawless compatibility with yourself, and trustworthy prospects. Every new agreed habit must be slowly included in your behavior, not the whole bulk of them! Admittedly, some anti-scam practices are really indispensable in forex; others, such as being too prone to complex money and risk management, intensely skewed in technical analysis market forecasting and trading strategies, could be unavoidable, but, above all, profitable alternative ways to trade.

As soon as you feel a bit more confident, do not continue just to pull the required ropes one above the other: start really trading but at a very small size, as the employed risk-reward information implanted within the trading platform menus. Despite, and after, such robot-like controlled trading, you should not risk more than 1% of your trading resources, now replenished by profits, loss compensations, and new saving injections in trading. And last, but not least, you ought to talk with others about your schemes and prospects. Try to find professional hands most advisable with long working experiences! A good network, including, of course, an effective learning drive, is part of the wonderful portfolio of recovery resources the market is offering today! Today’s victims — or potential victims — should listen to some ‘voices of reason’ from those who really know best and are willing to help. A profound changing process can make ‘out of a bad thing, a good thing happen’, provided you have the courage, strength, and vision to initiate it.

5. Notify Your Bank or Payment Provider

  • Contact Your Bank: If you made deposits via a bank transfer, contact your bank immediately. They may be able to reverse the transaction or investigate fraudulent activity.
  • Credit Card Chargebacks: If you paid with a credit card, contact your credit card provider to dispute the transaction. Most card issuers offer protection against fraud, and you may be able to initiate a chargeback.
  • E-Wallets and Payment Processors: If you used an e-wallet (e.g., PayPal, Skrill), contact their customer service to report the scam and seek assistance with recovering your funds.

6. Seek Legal Advice

  • Consult with a Lawyer: If you have lost a significant amount of money, consider seeking legal advice. A lawyer experienced in financial fraud or investment scams can help you understand your options.
  • Class Action Lawsuit: If others have been scammed by the same broker, you may be able to join a class action lawsuit or seek collective legal action.

7. Report to Online Communities and Forums

  • Share Your Experience: Post about your experience in trading forums, social media groups, or websites like ForexPeaceArmy. This helps inform other traders about potential scams.
  • Seek Support: Engaging with others who have had similar experiences can provide support and insights into how they dealt with their situations.

8. Monitor Your Financial Accounts

  • Watch for Unusual Activity: Keep an eye on your financial accounts for any unauthorized transactions or suspicious activity. Immediately report any fraudulent transactions to your bank or financial institution.
  • Change Passwords: If you suspect that your trading account or email was compromised, change your passwords and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.

9. Learn from the Experience

  • Educate Yourself: Use this experience as a learning opportunity. Research how to identify legitimate brokers and recognize potential scams in the future.
  • Review Risk Management Practices: Assess your risk management practices and consider implementing stronger measures to protect your investments.

10. Stay Vigilant

  • Avoid Future Scams: Be cautious when choosing brokers in the future. Research thoroughly, look for regulatory status, read reviews, and be wary of promises that seem too good to be true.


Experiencing a scam from a forex broker can be distressing and financially damaging. However, by taking the steps outlined above, you can increase your chances of recovering your funds and protecting yourself in the future. Always remember to conduct thorough research before engaging with any broker or trading platform to minimize the risk of falling victim to scams.



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